Circle of Joy Workshop
Mindfulness-based Art Making
1:00PM to 2:00PM – Two session options:
Friday, October 7th or Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
$500 per participant
(Maximum of 8 people per session)
Lifespan Counselling, 15/F, 52 Wellington Street, Central
In this workshop participants will have the opportunity to contemplate states of personal joy through art making as a way to induce well-being in day to day living.
Participants will also be given tips as how to integrate short mindfulness activities into their daily practice, to help with issues such as stress management and anxiety.
Participants will also leave the workshop with a piece of artwork they will have created during the event.
This session is for adults, ages 18 and up. Cost of the session is $500. Limit of 8 people.
Facilitated by Julia Byrne. Julia is Founding President of The Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists and a lead developer and instructor in Art Facilitation. Julia has presented her work overseas and locally and has received over 20 publications.